Vicar's Voice, 24 November 2019
The Season of Advent is almost here. One week to go! Of course, Advent is all about lighting candles and singing Christmas songs. Oops! No, it’s all about the anticipation of the arrival of the Great King. For hundreds of years God’s people were waiting for a person who would come and release them from the bondage they experienced and establish a kingdom that would reign for ever.
As they suffered the oppression of various foreign rulers, God’s people were in danger of losing their identity. There were signs that foreign contact had influenced the rule of Israel and the religious practices had become somewhat political. Then there were the taxes. Firstly, to the religious authorities to maintain the temple and run their judiciary system, then almost like extortion, to the Romans or Greeks or Assyrians, whichever was the present regime. Life in the “Promised Land” didn’t exactly flow with milk and honey after all.
God’s desire is that because he created mankind for fellowship with him, he will do whatever he can to restore the original relationship we once had. Several times through prophets God spoke to his people and promised a future that would be free from oppression and suffering. A chosen or anointed leader something like King David will come and deliver God’s people from their misery. The anointed one was called Messiah (in Hebrew Mashiach) and his arrival would herald the beginning of a new age when God will reign over all the earth again, the dominion of Satan will be conquered.
Advent celebrates this expectation. It’s like a divine drama, we wait with bated breath to see how this Saviour or Deliverer is going to arrive and what great acts he will do to rule over the world. Of course, we know the outcome already, but every year we go through this period of waiting to experience again the wonder of God’s promises to his people. And finally, the fulfilment, the coming of the King is in the form of a baby boy, born in obscurity in humble circumstances, in an insignificant village in Palestine. “…you are to name him Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins" (Matthew 1:21), said a messenger (angel) from God. Jesus grows to become the most influential person who ever walked this planet. All the prophecies about him are fulfilled in his birth, life, death and resurrection.
The oppression and bondage that he releases us from has little to do with governments and kings. Jesus conquers sin and death which are more serious. Since we know the outcome of Jesus’ ministry Advent becomes for us an extended celebration of Jesus’ coming that starts next week and runs all the way to Christmas Day. Each week as we listen to the mystery unfold let us grow in our appreciation of what God has done for us through his Son, Jesus the Christ. “Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!” (2 Corinthians 9:15)
In Christ,
Alan Wood