Exploring Christianity
Are you new to Christianity, or would you like to know more about what Christians believe? We list a few ways you can deepen your understanding of our faith.
There are a number of ways to find out about Christianity. You can:
Read the Bible,
Do a course, or
Read an explanation.
If you live in Jakarta, there is plenty of help you can get from All Saints—you are welcome to join one of our services and talk to one of the available ministers to begin with, or to join a Bible study group in order to deepen your understanding of Christianity.
If you’re unsure or would like to know more, please don’t hesitate to contact us for more details.
Read The Bible
Your own bible
If you need to buy a new Bible we recommend the New International Version (NIV), the New Revised Standard Version (NRSV), or the English Standard Version (ESV).
online bible
The text of the Bible is available online. You can search for passages in different versions. This may also help you decide which version you want to buy.
Where to start
If you want to find out about the Christian Faith we suggest you start with the life and teachings of Jesus. So start with Mark's gospel (it is the shortest) or John's gospel (it gives a different perspective to the other three).
Do A Course
ALpha Course
Alpha is a short practical introduction to the Christian faith that runs over nine or ten weeks. It includes the option of a weekend away. This is a key part of the course, as well as being great fun.
Each evening begins with a simple meal from and includes a video talk by Nicky Gumbel, coffee break, and an opportunity to discuss the talk.
Please contact us if you would like to attend the next Alpha course.
Christianity Explored
Christianity Explored is a course for people who'd like to investigate Christianity, or just brush up on the basics. It explores who Jesus was, what his aims were, and what it means to follow him.
You're not asked to pray, sing, or read aloud, and you can ask any question you like. Or, if you prefer, you can come along and simply listen.
Please contact us if you would like to attend the next CE course.
Read An Explanation
A Fresh Start
By John Chapman published by Matthias Media
"Sometimes I'm treated like a block of wood. Why doesn't God answer my prayers the way I want him to? Isn't being good, good enough? What is faith? How can God love me? I'm not perfect. Can I really believe the Bible?"
By answering these and many other of life's questions, John Chapman explains simply and humorously, how anyone may enter into new life with God through friendship with Jesus Christ.
This excellent book can be obtained from Christian bookshops worldwide (ISBN 1875245693).
Two Ways To Live
An explanation on the web of the message at the heart of Christianity. Click here to go straight to this explanation.
A website that helps you make sense of God, the world and Christianity. Visit the website here.