All Saints Jakarta
An overview of All Saints Anglican Church Jakarta, how it’s organised and what we stand for.
All Saints Anglican Church Jakarta
All Saints’ is an Anglican (Protestant) Evangelical church catering for members of the English speaking community in Jakarta. The Anglican Church traces its roots back through the Reformation of the Church of England to the church of Jesus and the Apostles. It is one of the Churches that were significantly changed by the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s. In 2019 we held a number of celebration services and events to commemorate our 200th Anniversary.
Becoming A Member
Everyone is welcome to attend Sunday Services, and other parish activities. We have three kinds of membership at All Saints: registered members (or voting members), attending members, and visitors.
Registered members must be baptised, at least 17 years old, regularly attend All Saints, and not currently hold office or membership in any other church in Indonesia.
Attending members are those who attend All Saints regularly but who are not eligible or choose not to be registered members.
Visitors are welcome to join the members in the services at All Saints and all baptised Christians who have been admitted to Communion in their own church, regardless of denominational background, are welcome to share in the Lord’s Supper in response to the exhortations in the service.
A feature of All Saints' mission is to encourage and support the Christian Church in Indonesia. The church's Outreach programme supports 27 projects across the country, including old people's homes, scholarships for students and rehabilitation of the disabled.
Please Click here for the Current "Outreach Programme Summaries"
If you are interested in learning more about the outreach programme please contact us.
Old Saints
If you are a former member of All Saints Jakarta you can keep in touch. If you would like to receive our weekly email Updates just let us know and we will add you to our mailing list.
Our Mission Statement
“To Know And Make Known The Love of Jesus”
Our Purpose Statement
To be a fellowship of believers who closely follow Christ.
To make the gospel known in the power of the Holy Spirit to the English-speaking community.
To disciple those who respond to the gospel.
To encourage the Indonesian Church.
Our Core Values
Godly leadership
Bible-centred preaching
Lordship of Christ
Christian Education (especially children's Sunday School)
Praise & Worship
God's grace
Our Vision Statement
Our vision is of a Christian community that is a by-word among the English-speaking community of Jakarta…
for helping the troubled
for welcoming all people
for resourcing families and individuals to 'live well'
for presenting the Christian message in a relevant and winsome manner
Our vision sees every person who comes to our church experiencing spiritual growth. It will be...
a welcoming place where the worship is God-honouring and uplifting and where every person is personally challenged each week by God's message.
a place where helpful friendships naturally occur.
a microcosm of that kingdom which comprises people from every tribe and tongue and nation…the most international group in Jakarta.
a place where everyone feels connected to the Indonesian churches across the nation and seeks to support them.
a place with a 'Kingdom perspective' that joyfully farewells people equipped to serve in their new location.
a place where people learn to listen to God and desire to share his love by developing habits of prayer, bible-reading and home group attendance.
a place where the individual matters where a person's cultural background, occupation, gender, marital status, personality type, gifts and past experiences are appreciated and utilised in serving God.
Our vision sees this led by members committed to biblical truth, innovation and a pragmatic approach to church traditions (starting from an inclusive Anglican tradition).
Our vision sees our church continuing to work in partnership with Indonesian Christians to make the love of Jesus known throughout Indonesia.
Our vision sees our church as beginning, pursuing and completing all its endeavours in earnest, prayerful, daily dependence on God.